Friday, July 27, 2012


Oh, to have understood the impact of apparently innocent porn 50 years ago. Parents, bite the bullet and educate your children!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Toward Better Short-Term Missions – The Gospel Coalition Blog

Toward Better Short-Term Missions – The Gospel Coalition Blog: "In the first article I laid out the history of short-term missions and some of the opportunities it has provided. The second article pointed to some of the problems that surround the enterprise. Now I want to offer a way forward."

Monday, March 26, 2012

My testimony

I gave this at Celebrate Recovery last September. Am posting now for anyone who might be interested:

Before Christ

In one sense my “story” is all about trying to “make it through works”.   I spent the majority of my life thinking that the major goal in life was “success” ... and that one could “achieve” this and all goals through hard work and maybe some luck.   This success, measured primarily through financial means, could make (or, at least allow, one to be “happy”).  Words like “Grace”, “Salvation”, & “Faith” did not come up as a useful term in my vocabulary.  While the love within my family was important, that was never quite enough for the “success driven life”.