Monday, November 8, 2010

The Public Discourse

Justin Taylor explains

The Public Discourse

One of the best decisions I’ve made is to stop watch news on the TV or political talking heads programs. It produces a weird combination (at least in me): my blood pressure goes up (either in agreement or disagreement)

The Public Discourse

Monday, June 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Transition envisioned at the Sunset House

We are entering a season of change.  In my earlier post, I shared some of the exciting ministry activities that Jireh Community has been conducting at the Sunset House. CLICK HERE By way of refresher:    
  • Monday Night Prayer,
  • International Justice Mission meetings on Tuesday evenings,
  • Homeless Men’s & Women’s Bible Study on various evenings
  • Athens PB&J Ministry continues to feed the homeless on Friday & Sunday.
 All this will continue through May but the Jireh students will not be returning to the house next school year.   The availability of the house(s) has been a tremendous blessing, but … after much prayer … the ministry leaders have decided to be free of the burdens, financial & otherwise.  As a member of Jireh’s advisory board, I can tell you that, while saddened, I am completely in support of this decision.    

Of course, this leaves my ministry, Reconciliation Ministries, with the question of the future of the Sunset House.  You may remember that it has 4 bedrooms/2 baths in the “Big” house and 2 bedrooms/1 bath in the guest house.  Perhaps God would have us redeploy in one or several new ministries at the house … or perhaps we should sell and put His money to work elsewhere.  Please be in prayer as we seek his will. Here's some history. 

Friday, March 19, 2010

Confession of a food hedonist

After a while, I knew that I was eating it not because I was hungry, but because I was eager to learn it, to burn the precise, sensory details of the taste into my memory, the way you do with anything that’s good that you’ve never before tried, any experience, any phenomenon. With a book, you read and re-read sentences; with a dish, you eat and eat and eat, long after you’re full. Being overstuffed, for the food lover, is not a moral problem. It’s a practical problem.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Controversy: Uncool People Need Jesus Too

Uncool People Need Jesus Too�|� The original post ruffled some feathers, but probably needed to be said. The follow-up helps to extend the conversation ...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Interesting Take on Church Planters

Uncool People Need Jesus, Too Bill Streger, an Acts29 pastor: I have yet to assess a church planter who wants to move to a declining, smaller city and reach out to blue collar factory workers,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010